Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Allegory

1. The "shadows" Plato tells us we can't trust as truth are the illusions in our lives that are not completely true. In The Allegory, all of the people in the cave believe that the shadows are real, when only the reader knows they are not. A shadow we face in our everyday lives is the shadow of perfection. All of these models in magazines are all edited to perfection. They're fake, and we believe it as a truth.

2. An example of an online shadow is This website is based off of peoples submissions that may or may not be true. A lot of people use this as a reliable source, they believe it is true. This is why it is a shadow, only the people who help write the Wikipedia page know it's either true or not, and we are stuck to trust that it is true.

3. Shadows impact society greatly. Like I said before, perfection is one of the key shadows in our society. This is because of all of the editing, photoshoping, and airbrushing that is done to these photos. It is a shadow because we believe it as a truth, but really it's anything close to perfection. It hurts many people knowing they can't look like this image of perfection, but really no one can. It's because of this shadow that we can't look perfect.

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