Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Modern art analysis

1. i see a very concerned man sitting by a table.

2. Lines: very harsh lines, mainly very straight. background uses big blocky shapes. lines dont outline anything really, but they just end.

Color: the brighter primary colors around the dark colored man makes him stand out, uses very little color, straight from the tube probably.

Shape: it uses many boxy shapes, like rectangles and boxes, however when it comes to the man and the table the shapes are rounded, so they stick out more.

Space: there's no vanishing point, its 2D.

Lighting: there are probably 2 light sources, because you can see one on the right as there are lighter colors over there, but there is a shadow on the wrong side of his face. so either the artist wanted to make it more dramatic and make the shadow on the wrong side, or there's another light shining on the other side of his face. mainly, the picture is darker on the left and lighter on the right.

Composition: the figure and the shapes balance each other out, so the picture has balance to it and its asymmetrical

i get a mood of concentration, and lots of thought, because the man looks as if he's in deep thought because of his face, but also relaxed because of his body posture.

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